Online course "Quantum Jump into being 


Tired of being the victim of your story? Seems like everybody else can make it in life, but you can't?

Have you asked yourself, what's stopping you?
It's actually really simple, once you start seeing what's been holding you back.
After that moment, you can't unsee the solution.  It has always been in front of your eyes the whole time. Very much to do with what you carry with you: it's your past traumas and dramas...

I've seen my clients making quantum jumps into new realities just after one session, when they realize what has been stealing their energy so far.

It's like you're walking around, with trail of blood behind you. It's no joke. It's brutal. Stop giving away your energy! So this is what we're going to work on, first. 

And then, once you feel lighter, gained back your energy and done the first hypnotherapy session in the group call, you want to experience ultimate freedom, right? Live a life of your dreams? Be the alchemist of your life to transform energies? Yes!
The most precious feeling no money can buy is to feel free and create whatever you want.

If you’re ready to do a quantum jump out of the old matrix and start creating new from the void as a true divine creator, I welcome you to this  course with 4 recorded videos and Q&A support group in Whatsapp and Facebook.

I’m going to show you how fear stops you from being your true powerful self and how to overcome it with different methods and techniques you can use on your own.

Also, all of the 4 hypnosis sessions will give you full steam ahead to this process. It’s crazy how fast the change can actually come to your life.

You will FEEL IT!

Depending on your openness and willingness to embrace the change, unimaginable things can start unfolding in your life sooner than expected. It's pure magic and it becomes your new normality.

PLUS you’ll get to experience 4 hypnosis sessions during all the recorded masterclasses along with getting new “codes” into your programming and new limitless power “elixir recipe” of your life potion.

Every masterclass, you get one hypnosis session, so you can use it any time. During this course you get eyeopening challenges as we are tuning out of the old programming to embrace the unfolding true you without the masks.

It means, by getting the maximum out of this course you have to be willing to question everything around you and yourself.  After completing 4 masterclasses, you can make a quantum jump into the unknown to transform energies, maybe even before completing.

Now, world full of potential is ready to be unfolded: YOUR MAGICAL WORLD!

YOU will get the link to the recordings of the masterclasses one by one every week by e-mail. The first recording will land in your mailbox within 12 hours from purchase. 

This is the time you take to yourself to start letting go of the old stories you have about yourself and others.
12 hours to start letting go of your prejudices.

What you’ll get with the 4 different masterclass course:
• Activate higher frequencies to be the true creator of your life – the Alchemist
• Connect with your Inner Genius
• Anchor the feeling of ultimate freedom
• Seeing more clearly your life purpose
• Feeling more calm and centered in any situation
• Upgrade to all areas of your life
• Unlimited times to listen 4 different hypnosis sessions
• Special price to work 1-on-1 with Karin Palm in zoom meeting

YOU CAN listen to the recordings anytime you want. In fact, you MUST use the hypnosis sessions from the recordings for multiple times to get the old programme properly overwritten by new.
• +You get the recording of the BONUS call after completion.
• Facebook and Whatsapp group for support, questions and inspiration

Time: every session is around 1 hour
You MUST listen to the hypnosis session MINIMUM 3 times during the week before you get the next masterclass! 
Otherwise: it's not going to work. 

Investment to your life upgrade 349.99€ (incl VAT 22%)
This is something that no-one can take away from you and the world becomes your playground - it has the highest value.

It takes commitment from your side. 
Changing your life doesn't come overnight.

Thinking this way has got you here, but if you want to change, you've got to start doing things different way! 

After your purchase you will receive further information about the course, agenda, link to the group and the link to the zoom call by e-mail within 12 hours.

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Not sure yet? You can put it this way: what's going to happen if you don't purchase this course?
The moment you realize that the true power is in you, waiting to be unveiled, you start acting and, most importantly, making changes in your life.

As the saying goes: it would be crazy to do the same things and expect different result. So this course supports you change your habits, which in turn, will change so many things in your life you couldn't even imagine can be possible.

It's magic and it works! I've done it and so can you! We're going to demystify many things during this course.

But only if you take the responsibility to be the alchemist of your life:

Look at Karin's short explanation about the course in youtube.
Click here or watch below.
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To get a short experience of what may unfold for you, see my free gifts for you here.
In case of any questions, kindly write to levelup@onealchemist.com